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Infographic: Understanding Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease

Understanding Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease

The highly contagious viral illness is most common in children younger than 5 years old. Learn tips to prevent spread and speed recovery.

Senior couple sitting on bed

What's the Difference Between Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease?

Changes in cognitive function are a normal part of aging, but when they start to affect daily activities, it may be a sign of a more serious impairment.

Infographic: The Surprising Places Germs Love to Hide

The Surprising Places Germs Love to Hide

Here’s what you should know about where bacteria and viruses often linger, and how you can protect yourself.

A happy middle-aged woman drinks coffee in her kitchen

Losing Weight With Medication? You May Be Losing Muscle, Too

More studies are needed to understand whether the muscle loss from weight loss drugs is harmful. Some research suggests they can improve the preserved muscle.

Natural ingredients used to make food dye

Natural Alternatives to Artificial Food Coloring

There is growing concern about the dangers of food additives, including artificial food dyes. Although research results are somewhat controversial, more people are turning to natural alternatives.

Closeup of a margarita

Why Your Skin Reacts to Citrus and Sun Exposure

Known as a “margarita burn,” because the combination of limes and sunshine is a common cause, phytophotodermatitis can have a variety of causes.

carbon monoxide detector

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: Keep Your Family Safe

Carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas produced by many common household appliances, can reach deadly levels in poorly ventilated spaces. Learn how to protect your family from it.

Anatomical illustration of larynx

Spasmodic Dysphonia: A Rare Disorder That Causes a Raspy Voice

Occasional vocal hoarseness is not usually cause for concern. But if the condition becomes chronic and interferes with your ability to speak comfortably, it’s time to see a specialist.

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