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Babies & Children

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A person scrolling on a cell phone in the dark

Doomscrolling: Breaking the Habit

Endlessly scrolling through negative content on your cell phone – or doomscrolling – is an unhealthy but common habit, especially among younger adults.

Daughter is explaining to her mother what happened at school

Addressing Childhood Anxiety, Depression and Mental Health Concerns

Mental health conditions are rising in children and adolescents, but they’re also being addressed earlier with promising outcomes. Whether therapy or medication are involved, hope exists for those who are struggling.

two teen girls drinking fancy coffee drinks

Frappuccinos and Pink Drinks: Safe for Teens and Tweens?

More and more adolescents are drinking specialty coffee and tea drinks. But are these sweet, caffeinated beverages healthy for young consumers?

Teenage girl cleaning her face with cotton pad in front of the mirror

The Teen & Tween Skincare Craze: Harmless or Harmful?

For many young people, navigating the world of skincare products can be challenging, especially without appropriate education.

A young girl sitting on sofa, feeling bad and suffering from dry cough

Is It Just a Cough – Or Childhood Asthma?

A cough here, a wheeze there. Most children have respiratory illnesses every now and then. But for one in 12 kids, these symptoms are a sign of something more significant: childhood asthma.

A father and son having a serious discussion

Tips for Talking With Your Teen About Marijuana

As more states legalize recreational marijuana, it’s important that teens understand the potential risks of drug use.

A mother feeds her newborn while sitting on a sofa at home

How to Treat Mastitis: A Common Breastfeeding Issue

Lactation experts share the preventive measures you can take to minimize the risk of painful symptoms and continue breastfeeding.

Infographic: Proper Dental Care Begins with Baby Teeth

Proper Dental Care Begins with Baby Teeth

Healthy teeth are important to your child’s growth and development. Learn how caring for them starts at birth.

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