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Nannan Thirumavalavan, MD

Showing  8 of 8 results

Illustration of a pensive man facing questions

Are Sperm Counts Declining?

Many factors can affect sperm quality. But not all experts agree that sperm counts are on the decline.

In Vitro Fertilization Shown on a Computer Monitor

How Young People With Cancer Can Preserve Fertility

Cancer treatment can harm a person’s ability to have children. Fortunately, young cancer patients have options to help preserve their fertility.

Senior man using a computer

Is "Male Menopause" Real?

Associated with physical and emotional changes, menopause is when a woman's menstruation permanently stops. But can men experience a similar change as they age?

Man and woman meeting with doctor

Is a Vasectomy Permanent?

Urologists agree that vasectomy should be considered a permanent form of male sterilization. But how permanent is “permanent”?

A man smoking while using digital tablet on sofa at home

Can Vaping Cause Erectile Dysfunction in Men?

The vapor produced by e-cigarettes contains nicotine, a highly addictive substance that can negatively affect multiple organ systems, including the sexual organs.

A mature doctor discussing a vasectomy with a male patient

Is Your Family Complete? Why You Might Consider a Vasectomy

Many couples will reach a point where they decide not to have more children or not to have children in the first place. For men, an increasingly popular permanent birth control option is vasectomy.


How Having COVID-19 May Affect Men's Sexual Health

Most of us are familiar with the common symptoms of COVID-19: fever, shortness of breath, fatigue and loss of smell or taste. But some research has emerged recently that suggests that COVID-19 might also lead to erectile dysfunction (ED)

doctor and man

What You Can Expect at a Male Fertility Evaluation

When couples experience fertility issues, women are the first to get evaluated. Even if the man is told to get checked out, he may avoid going in because he doesn’t know what is going to happen. Here is what to expect.

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