Try as we might to control it, life happens. Our connections ensure you’re in with the right doctor, if and when you need it.

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Call us at 216-285-4JOE (4563)
Popular treatment areas include:
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Cardiovascular, Neurological, Digestive Health & More
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Tests & Procedures
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Suggested for You
Enlarged Prostate? This Treatment Can Help You Avoid Sexual Side Effects
There is a growing body of evidence that nicotine may be associated with erectile dysfunction in men, regardless of age and other health conditions.
Can Weight Loss Surgery Reverse Diabetes?
A handful of newer bariatric procedures have been shown to effectively alter metabolism and either improve or reverse Type 2 diabetes.
Guidance is Changing on Low-Dose Aspirin To Prevent Heart Disease
Newer research shows the benefits of daily aspirin do not outweigh the risks for some patients.
A Treatment For Erectile Dysfunction That’s Beyond the Blue Pill
A penile prosthesis, a surgically implanted device, is a well-established treatment known for generating the highest satisfaction among ED therapies.
See also:
Where you’ll partner with your primary care provider to keep you up and running.
Full-Life Fitness
Where you’ll find the tools and resources to optimize all facets of your life.
Ready to Enroll?
When you join UH Cutler Center for Men, you connect with a community that’s dedicated to delivering best-in-class care for guys. We built this Center around you, because we understand you. We can’t wait to help you get healthy, man.

Get started on your journey to your best man self.
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Call us at 216-285-4JOE (4563).Or enroll online
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