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Pediatric Residents Offered a Wide Range of Training Opportunities

At University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital, we believe in the diverse value of our residents’ experiences throughout their training and want to continue to enrich their careers with a strong, tailored clinical education. One of the ways we are proud to do this is through our tracks. Each track integrates resident interests into their clinical coursework through the use of structured didactics, workshops and case-based discussions, in addition to elective rotations, community-based experiences, and educational travel opportunities. All of these are designed to prepare them for their specific careers.

Residents who complete the requirements earn a distinguished certificate at the end of their residency training, confirming their participation in an enriched residency curriculum.

The tracks include a mix of required experiences, voluntary experiences, and a scholarly project, with suggested activities for educational and administrative development and faculty mentorship.

Our program currently offers four specialized tracks and programs:

It is our intent that these tracks be flexible, allowing residents to individualize their training in the way that is most suitable for them. Our program is fully committed to supporting the individual interests and goals of each resident, while making sure that all residents complete the training requirements of the American Board of Pediatrics and the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME).