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At University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital, we have a longitudinal research curriculum that provides residents with both didactic education on clinical research skills and ample time and flexibility to complete meaningful scholarly work. Residents work on their projects throughout their residency and may use elective time in their final years of training to complete their work.

All residents produce and present a scholarly project before the end of residency. These projects include all types of scholarly work, including hypothesis-driven research, robust quality improvement projects, and educational scholarship. To ensure the success of our residents, we provide an annual didactic curriculum that includes topics from all facets of scholarly activity so that residents can take advantage of the information to build their research skills as their projects progress.


  • Introduction to Scholarly Activities
  • Research Study Design
  • Institutional Review Board Preparation
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Scholarship Dissemination – Where and How

In addition to didactic sessions, each resident works with a research mentor from our large, accomplished faculty.

Our curriculum culminates each year with our annual Science Day. This day-long research symposium gives our graduating residents the opportunity to present their work to their faculty and peers. In addition, many of our residents have had the opportunity to share their work at regional and national meetings.

Research Track

Faculty Leads:

Ross Myers, MD
Katherine Kutney, MD

For those residents who seek to do robust research with the goal of national dissemination, we have put together our Research Track. In addition to the research curriculum, Research Track participants have semi-annual meetings with the track leaders to help with finding a research mentor, arranging schedules to maximize protected time for research, and successfully completing and disseminating your project. Participants also meet as a group every other month to discuss various aspects of the scholarly process at a higher level than the regular curriculum, including the current projects being done by track members, preparing an IRB submission, how to prepare an abstract for submission to national meetings, among others.

To receive a certificate of completion of the Research Track, residents must have a resident-as-first-author original research project that is disseminated by being presented at a regional, national, or international meeting and/or having a manuscript accepted.

We are proud to share a list of our 2023 Research Track graduates:

Daniel Himelstein, MD
Presentation Title: Endoscopic and Clinical Outcomes for Pediatric Patients with Crohn's Disease Treated with Infliximab in the First Year of Therapy
Location Presented: North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition Meeting 2022, Orlando, FL

Collin Kramer, MD
Presentation Title: Improving Pediatric Resident Confidence and Competency Utilizing Critical Congenital Heart Disease Screening
Location Presented: Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting 2022, Denver, CO

Matthew Tran, MD
Presentation Title: Cost-effectiveness of Risk Assessing Asymptomatic Patients with Ventricular Pre-excitation
Location Presented: Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting 2023, Washington, DC