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Medical Education

At University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital, we offer a longitudinal medical education and leadership track experience that provides interested residents with the foundational skills and knowledge to grow their career as clinician-educators.

pediatric residentsTrack participants have the opportunity to learn foundations of medical education & academic leadership including:

  • Teaching Skills & Learning Theory
  • Curriculum Development
  • Education Scholarship & Research Methods
  • Feedback, Evaluation & Assessment
  • Leadership development
  • Professional Development

The cycling curriculum encompasses monthly Med-Ed Nights Out, workshops, Book Club, and hands-on longitudinal teaching experiences. In addition, track-sponsored education projects offer the opportunity to apply knowledge and skills learned in developing, implementing and studying various educational endeavors. Opportunities to individualize the track experience based on each resident’s unique goals is available and encouraged: allowing customization of the track experience to fit different career paths.

pediatric residents

For pediatric residents passionate about a career in medical education, an application-based pathway is available within the track. The Leadership in Medical Education Collaborative (LME-C) is a residency pathway founded by the internal medicine program and now encompassing six residencies at University Hospitals.

In addition to completing the Rainbow Med Ed track, LME-C participants also:

  • Attend 6 collaborative seminars each year
  • Earn a UH Certificate of Leadership from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Weatherhead School of Management
  • Attend Principles of Medical Education Conference at Harvard during their PGY-2 year

Those selected serve as the RBC Medical Education & Leadership Track Chiefs during their PGY-3 year.