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Leading-Edge Diagnostics and Treatment for Patients with EVA Syndrome

Researchers at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital have developed resources specifically for healthcare professionals who seek to support patients with enlarged vestibular aqueduct syndrome (EVA). Superior diagnostics, treatment and management begins with industry professionals who possess and pursue pioneering knowledge. It thrives when this knowledge is precisely communicated between practitioner and patient, and among physicians. Recognizing these critical elements, we offer the following to physicians:

Refer a Patient

To refer your patient or schedule a consultation, fill out our convenient online form, or call (855) 382-0488 (1-855-382-0488) or 800-552-8338.

EVA Patient Registry

University Hospitals is creating an EVA patient database in order to track and collect pertinent information on patients to help in research efforts and clinical trials. Enroll your patient in the EVA patient registry.

Learn More about the Physician Liaison Program

The physician liaison program at University Hospitals is designed to provide valuable customer service to referring physicians and their staff, and to increase physician communications.

Continuing Medical Education

Continuing Medical Education is available in a wide variety of formats, including live meeting events, regularly scheduled conferences, scientific journals and recorded presentations distributed online.

Clinician Publications

UH puts forth a variety of publications each year to highlight the various findings and achievements of our physicians and researchers.