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Enroll Your Patient in University Hospitals’ EVA Registry

The EVA patient registry at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital collects information about patients who are affected by enlarged vestibular aqueduct syndrome (EVA). When organizing for clinical trials, it is vital that EVA patients be contacted quickly, with up-to-date access to medical information needed, including clinical and genetic information.

Testing Safe and Effective Methods

Any prospective innovative diagnostic or treatment method must be tested under exactingly, well-ordered conditions to make certain study participants are safe and that noteworthy deviations can be credited to the treatment and not to environmental factors. This allows researchers to ensure that all possible new treatments are both safe and effective.

Patient Registry Leads to Potential Treatments

Finding enough eligible patients to participate in clinical trials for conditions such as EVA can take years without a patient database, delaying the testing of potential therapies, even cures. Enrolling patients in the EVA patient registry will be a key step in gaining a greater understanding of EVA and finding potential treatments. Your patients will receive research updates about EVA, including notices of any potential upcoming clinical trials.

Enroll Your Patients

To enroll your patient in the UH EVA patient registry, patients have to sign an informed consent form that will allow our researchers to input pertinent information from your patients’ medical records in our database. The EVA patient research database will be used to improve the techniques necessary to make a patient diagnosis and track clinical outcomes to be able to make conclusions about prognosis and treatment outcomes.

Log in to the EVA patient database to register a new patient or to review information on a previously enrolled patient.