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Clinical Trials

DOSA Trial

Randomized Control Trial of Oxygen Therapy in Children and Adolescents with Down Syndrome and Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
Principal Investigator: Sally Ibrahim, MD
Co-Investigator: Carolyn Ievers-Landis, PhD, Kristie Ross, MD and Nancy Roizen, MD

CatNap Registry for Narcolepsy

UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s is part of the Children, Adolescents, Narcolepsy Assessment Partnership (CATNAP®). The national pediatric narcolepsy disease registry collects health and quality of life information to better understand pediatric narcolepsy from diagnosis to disease progression and to improve treatment and patient outcomes. The registry also seeks to gather data to better understand how narcolepsy affects patients and caregivers.  UH Rainbow Babies & Children's helps to recruit patients interested in being a part of this registry, which may serve to further advance knowledge locally and nationally.

Actigraphy Validation

Sally Ibrahim, MD, is Principal Investigator in collaboration with James Spilsbury, PhD, at Case Western Reserve University.