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Pediatric Pulmonology Research

Global Leader in Innovation & Clinical Research for Lung Disease

Our team at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital includes some of the nation’s leading pulmonary physicians. We are driven by the desire to improve outcomes for children and young adults with lung-related diseases. By dedicating expertise and resources to medical research and clinical trials, we have been able to pioneer several groundbreaking treatment options for children in our care - and around the world.

Research Areas

Cystic Fibrosis Research

UH Rainbow is a leader in the mission to find lifesaving therapies for children and adults with Cystic Fibrosis

Asthma Research

UH Rainbow is currently recruiting for a number of asthma-related clinical trials

Access to More Clinical Trials and Advanced Treatment Options

As an academic medical center, our patients have access to innovative treatment options before they are commercially available. We actively participate in translational research, meaning we translate research findings into everyday practice. Through this approach, our lab-based scientists collaborate with clinicians at the point of care. We can bring scientific discoveries to our patients quickly, for added benefits.

Lung-related diseases can be very complex, and a tailored approach is crucial. We review each patient’s specific case and determine which clinical trials might be an appropriate fit.