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Clinical Trials

We have one of the most active cystic fibrosis clinical trial research programs in the world. At any given time, we have 25-30 active clinical trials ongoing in cystic fibrosis. This provides our patients the opportunity to participate in cutting-edge clinical research. Although we conduct clinical trials in all areas of cystic fibrosis, we have particular expertise in infection and inflammation in the cystic fibrosis lung, treatments aimed at the basic defect in cystic fibrosis, and pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy.

Our investigators have led many national and international clinical trials. We have four full-time research coordinators who recruit and enroll patients in trials and conduct the clinical trial visits, three individuals who provide expertise in the regulatory aspects of studies, a dedicated laboratory staff, and a full-time director of the cystic fibrosis processing laboratory and databases. We offer many different clinical trials to our patients and open all of our studies to patients from outside centers.

Browse our active research studies at CFF.org