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Our Team

University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Division of Pediatric Allergy/Immunology features a team of dual board-certified and fellowship-trained allergy/immunology specialists and integrates a pediatric psychologist and dietitian who work side-by-side in patient care. Our nationally recognized expertise extends to numerous areas, including immunodeficiency, food allergies, asthma and eosinophilic disorders. For example, our Jeffrey Modell Diagnostic Center for Primary Immunodeficiencies, a regional referral center, offers advanced diagnostics and treatment for young patients and adults with primary immunodeficiency (PI) disorders, which are conditions that cause recurring, hard-to-cure infections, and other defects of the immune system associated with immune dysregulation. The Jeffrey Modell Diagnostic Center supports the Inborn Errors of Immunity Clinic – UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s hub for innovative research and world-class patient care for people who have PI disorders and other types of inborn errors of immunity. Our team is available to consult on care for your patients’ needs 24/7.

  • Assistant Professor, CWRU School of Medicine
  • Director, Jeffrey Modell Center for Immunodeficiency, UH Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital
  • Clinical Assistant Professor, CWRU School of Medicine
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Call the division office at 216-844-3237
or administrator Mike Eiermann at 216-844-0475