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Showing    of 21 results

girl testing blood sugar

Navigating the Gap: Diabetes Support in Emerging Adulthood

Julia Blanchette, PhD, RN, discusses her research on empowering young adults with Type 1 diabetes. From navigating the complexities of health insurance to addressing financial stress, discover how her work is making a difference in diabetes...

Use of Diabetes Language patient and provider talking

Patient-First Care: Reframing the Language of Diabetes

Innovations in Diabetes & Metrabolic Care | Winter 2024

Steriod included diabetes hand with needle

Best Practices for Managing Steroid-Induced Hyperglycemia

Innovations in Diabetes & Metabolic Care | Winter 2024

Getty image of woman looking worried as she looks at glucose results

Breaking the Silence: Understanding Diabetes-Related Depression

Innovations in Diabetes & Metabolic Care | Winter 2024

Getty image illustrating insulin being released into the blood stream

EDIC Brain Studies Validate Importance of Glucose Management in Type 1 Diabetes

Modern technology can set patients on a different course and avoid brain changes - Innovations in Pediatrics | Fall 2023

Getty image hypoglycemia diagnosis

Managing Inpatient Hypoglycemia

Innovations in Diabetes & Metabolic Care| Fall 2023

Getty image depicting inpatient care of patient receiving medicine

Bridging Inpatient to Outpatient Diabetes Care

Innovations in Diabetes & Metabolic Care| Fall 2023

Getty image illustrating insulin being released into the blood stream

The Complexities of Inpatient Glucose Management

Innovations in Diabetes & Metabolic Care | Fall 2023

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