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Meet the Team

Principal Investigator:

Goutham Rao, MD
Jack Medalie Professor and Chairman
Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
University Hospitals Cleveland Research Center & Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Director, UH ADVANCE Center

Co-Principal Investigators:

Marlene Miller, MD
University Hospitals

Peter Pronovost, MD, PhD
University Hospitals

Mary Dolansky, PhD, RN
Case Western Reserve University, Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing

Sarah Koopman Gonzalez, PhD, MA
Case Western Reserve University, School of Medicine


Charles Macias, MD, MPH
University Hospitals

Jessica Goldstein, MD
University Hospitals

Esther Thatcher, PhD
University Hospitals

Sarah Ronis, MD, PhD
University Hospitals

Kelsey Ufholz, PhD
Case Western Reserve University

Jeffrey Albert, PhD
Case Western Reserve University

Support Team:

Mark Beno, MSM
Informatics Lead, Case Western Reserve University

Evelina DiFranco, MPH
Research Associate, Project Manager, Case Western Reserve University

Beverly Koepf
Analyst Programmer, Case Western Reserve University

Sunah Song, PhD
Senior Research Associate, Case Western Reserve University

Erin Almeter, MPH
Evaluation Data Manager, Case Western Reserve University

Danielle Robinson
Clinical Research Specialist

Harpreet Kaur
Student Research Assistant, Case Western Reserve University

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Agency for Health care and Research Quality (AHRQ), Diagnostic Safety Centers of Excellence: Partnerships to Improve Diagnostic Safety and Quality (R18), Grant # R18HS029358