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Discussions in Diagnosis Webinar Series

The ADVANCE Center webinar series focuses on thought-provoking topics in the broad domain of improving diagnosis, including:

  • Diagnostic research methodology
  • Understanding diagnostic tests
  • Clinical topics in diagnosis

The webinar series is open to physicians, nurses, researchers, students, community partners and anyone interested in advancing diagnostic practices. The series aims to raise awareness about diagnostic safety issues and foster collaboration and a culture of continuous improvement in this area. A facilitated Q&A discussion allows for insightful conversations between the moderator, invited guests and audience.

The Discussions in Diagnosis Series is scheduled on Fridays from 7:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. EST. Join our email list to hear about upcoming speakers.

Interested in speaking at an upcoming webinar? Contact Evelina DiFranco at evelina.difranco@uhhospitals.org.

Join the UH ADVANCE Center

Interested in joining the UH ADVANCE Center? Fill out our online form today.

Agency for Health care and Research Quality (AHRQ), Diagnostic Safety Centers of Excellence: Partnerships to Improve Diagnostic Safety and Quality (R18), Grant # R18HS029358