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The UH ADVANCE Center is divided into several core areas representing complementary resources and expertise essential for identifying, implementing, and evaluating diagnostic best practices.

Diagnostic Clinical Transformation Core

Led by Peter J. Pronovost, MD, PhD, Chief Clinical Transformation Officer at University Hospitals, this unit is responsible for ensuring health system readiness and support for the demonstration projects, and for systematically identifying priorities for improving diagnosis and reporting on progress to administrative and clinical leaders.

Health Analytics Core

This core is responsible for the standardization, harmonization, and analysis of structured and unstructured data from electronic health records and other heterogeneous sources. This core’s work is essential for identifying current clinical practice as well as the impact of interventions to improve practice.

Diagnosticians Core

The Diagnosticians’ Panel is comprised practicing clinicians with an interest in improving patient diagnosis in several medical and surgical disciplines, including nursing. The panel provides input on demonstration projects and associated practice recommendations. It also sets priorities for future projects, assists with implementation of interventions to improve diagnosis, and aids in dissemination of best practices.

Evaluation and Dissemination Core

This core evaluates quantitative outcomes of efforts to improve diagnosis, understanding the facilitators and barriers to the Center’s four step process of developing recommended practices. This core also disseminates outcomes to all ADVANCE Center stakeholders, including dissemination efforts within the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), in collaboration with other Diagnostic Safety Centers of Excellence.

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Agency for Health care and Research Quality (AHRQ), Diagnostic Safety Centers of Excellence: Partnerships to Improve Diagnostic Safety and Quality (R18), Grant # R18HS029358