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Behavioral Health

Resources to Support Population Health in Northeast Ohio

Population health monitors and addresses the health status of groups of people, as opposed to individuals. It involves the consideration and management of circumstances that often influence health outcomes such as socioeconomic status as well as environmental, educational and lifestyle factors.

Your health is important. Get expert care.

Offering in-person and video visits. Call 216-844-2400 today to see which option is right for you.

Programs and Resources to Support Population Health

Based on our population health studies, University Hospitals offers programming and resources to meet specific community needs. For example, as part of University Hospitals’ Advanced Primary Care model, we embed licensed social workers in our primary care offices to help identify and treat mild to moderate mental health issues on-site whenever possible.

Make an Appointment

Offering in-person, video and telephone visits. Call 216-844-2400 today to see which option is right for you.

Learn more about virtual visits