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We have updated our Online Services Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. See our Cookies Notice for information concerning our use of cookies and similar technologies. By using this website or clicking “I ACCEPT”, you consent to our Online Services Terms of Use.

Application Process

We accept application through the ERAS and participate in the NRMP match as a categorical position for pediatrics and child neurology. Candidates may apply beginning in November of their fourth year of medical school. Application materials include a formal ERAS application, personal statement, and at least three letters of recommendations. Dean’s letters are reviewed when available during the application process. After review of application, some candidates are invited for personal interviews. These interviews are coordinated with the Pediatric residency program. Interviews are conducted over a two day time period; one day devoted to interviewing with the pediatrics department, one day with the division of child neurology.

Policy on Hiring Non-Tobacco Users

University Hospitals is committed to the health and wellness of our employees, our patients and our community. As part of these efforts, effective January 1, 2012, we will only hire candidates that do not use tobacco products. All candidates will be required to confirm their non-tobacco use when expressing interest for a job opportunity. Selected candidates for hire will be tested for tobacco use as part of the pre-employment lab screening process already in place.