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Education & Training

Clinical Training

Our goal in training physicians in Critical Care Medicine is to provide them with the clinical experience and research skills necessary for their continued productivity in the area of academic pediatrics.

As such, our program is structured so that each fellow gains the clinical expertise needed to run a large pediatric intensive care unit (PICU); the ability to teach medical students and residents effectively using a variety of modalities; and the skills necessary to develop and carry out a complete and meaningful clinical or basic science research program.

Our Education Components

You can learn more about our program's educational components, including:


Research Training

Clinical Training

Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

The Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) provides highly specialized, state-of-the-art care to approximately 1,700 patients annually. Beginning in the Fall of 2023, a new, separate Pediatric Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit will care for children recovering from cardiac surgery or catheterization. UH Rainbow is located in a nationally ranked pediatric hospital serving as the region's quaternary referral center and is also the only accredited Pediatric Trauma Center in the region.

The PICU sedation unit is a patient- and family-oriented unit that provides outpatient and inpatient services to over 2,000 patients annually and is one of a handful of units to have been denoted as a Center of Excellence by the Society for Pediatric Sedation. In the Pediatric Sedation Unit, our intensivists deliver care to patients requiring radiation therapy, minor surgical procedures, invasive procedures required for the management of patients with malignancies, a full range of radiologic studies, and more. Utilization and satisfaction ratings are extremely high for this program. Active research programs make the sedation unit a rich source of scholarly activity.

UH Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital

University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital is a modern 244-bed dedicated children’s hospital with a nationally renowned faculty. UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital’s eight-story patient care tower, which opened in 1997, is one of the most advanced, family-centered pediatric hospital sites in the nation. Approximately 10,000 newborns, children and adolescents are admitted annually to UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital, where they receive first-rate care in a warm, supportive environment conducive to healing.

Pediatric Library

The Samuel J. Horwitz, MD Pediatric Learning Center (PLC) is a clinically-oriented library focused on pediatrics and geared to support resident and fellow education and assist in continued learning for all UH Rainbow faculty and staff. The facility houses a printed reference collection, a number of computer-equipped workstations, and provides access to printing, scanning and photocopy equipment.

A full-time librarian staffs the center and is open 24/7 with a door key code. Along with printed books and journals, the library subscribes to a number of electronic resources, available from the PLC website, and provides a number of specialized research guides and tools. Library services include reference and mediated literature searching, database training and inter-library loan assistance.