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Neonatal Transition to Practice Program

Neonatology Transition to Practice Program Curriculum for Advanced Practice Providers

APP group on Rainbow rooftopThe University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Neonatal Transition to Practice Program (TPP) is designed for new graduate advanced practice providers (APPs). This program is dedicated to advancing UH Rainbow Babies & Children's as the premier educational setting for training APPs in Neonatology.

The program is designed to develop the skills required for competent neonatal critical care including delivery room management, neonatal procedures, and the principles of neonatal management. These APPs will develop the fundamental knowledge, critical thinking skills and technical skills allowing them to provide elite care to our critically ill neonates.

The TPP will include structured orientation through several of UH NICUs as well as an intense didactic education block including lectures from multidisciplinary staff members (i.e Neonatologist, APPs, PharmDs, Respiratory Therapist, Occupational therapists, and Nutrition). The clinical orientation will take place at our main campus level IV NICU, main campus step down NICU, and community hospital level II units. Evaluations will be completed throughout the orientation program process.


The APPs will be exposed to the many opportunities that our academic institution has to offer. To supplement their didactic and clinical education, the following procedural skills will be obtained during TPP boot camp and preceptorship:

  • Umbilical venous and arterial lines
  • Endotracheal Intubation
  • Urine catheterization/Foley placement
  • Placement of PIVs/Arterial punctures/Peripheral arterial lines
  • Chest tube placement/thoracentesis
  • Lumbar puncture

Credentials Awarded throughout program:

  • Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) Certification
  • S.T.A.B.L.E. Certification
APP with infant
APP with infant