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Pediatric Urology

Pediatric Urologic Cancer

Although rare, urologic cancer in children and adolescents does occur. The most common types of pediatric urologic cancers are tumors of the testicles, bladder, kidneys, prostate gland and vagina.

Learn More About Our Pediatric Urology Program

To learn more about our pediatric urology services, please call 844-689-0837.

Schedule an Appointment

The nationally recognized, board-certified, fellowship-trained pediatric urologists at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s takes a team approach to urologic oncology. We work closely with our colleagues in pediatric oncology, radiation oncology, general surgery and other specialties to diagnose and treat and/or remove all types of benign and malignant tumors of the urinary tract. We often perform non-invasive imaging as the first step in the diagnostic process. Whenever possible, we utilize the most state-of-the-art, minimally invasive surgical approaches to remove urologic tumors from children, which results in faster healing and less discomfort and scarring.

Angie Fowler Adolescent & Young Adult Cancer Institute

In cancer care, our pediatric urology specialists are supported by University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Angie Fowler Adolescent & Young Adult Cancer Institute, where a dedicated team of experts operates unique age-appropriate inpatient and outpatient facilities and designated centers that deliver specialized, world-class cancer care to babies, children, adolescents and young adults.