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Preparing for Your Child’s First Appointment with a GI Specialist

As you and your child prepare for your first pediatric gastroenterology appointment, please keep in mind the following:

  • A parent or legal guardian must be present for the visit.
  • Visit times range from 20 to 60 minutes (Appointments may be longer for Eosinophilic Esophagitis Clinic (EoE), IBD Clinic, and biofeedback appointments.)
  • Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled time of the visit. This will allow time for registration and collection of required information for your visit.
  • When you arrive, please check in at the front desk.
  • If you are running late, please call 216-844-1765 to avoid appointment cancellation.
  • Your son or daughter's current medical concerns and medical history including previous testing will be reviewed and a physical exam performed.
  • We will discuss your child's symptoms and medical concerns.
  • Our GI specialists will work with you to create a care plan most appropriate for your child.

What to Bring

Make sure to bring the following to your appointment:

  • Insurance card and co-pay
  • Name and phone number of your preferred pharmacy
  • List of all current medications with doses (prescribed and over-the-counter medications, supplements)
  • Referral paperwork
  • Any questions for the provider

At the End of the Appointment

At the conclusion of your appointment you will receive a written summary of the visit for your records.

After your appointment, you can schedule a follow-up appointment with the front desk staff before leaving the office.