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Pediatric Digestive Health Patient Stories

Showing    of 3 results

Jaivan Morales-Smith on the basketball court

Teen Diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease Finds Relief and Support

Fifteen-year-old Jaivan’s rapid weight loss and severe digestive symptoms led to a diagnosis of Crohn’s disease – and a remarkable improvement with treatment and disease management.

Jordan Nudelman

Rainbow Program Helps Young Patient with Crohn’s Disease to Thrive

Jordan Nudelman was 14 when she developed severe stomach cramps and lost her appetite. The problem was constant. And because the high school freshman’s pain was unseen, those around her dismissed the problem.

Trey Clark as an infant with his NICU nurse and today with Lynn Woo, MD.

This 8-Year-Old Doesn't Allow His Diagnosis To Define Him

William “Trey” Clark had more intense medical procedures in his first week of life than many do in a lifetime, so this fun-loving 8-year-old doesn’t sweat the small stuff.

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