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Donate to the EVA Research Project

For the enlarged vestibular aqueduct syndrome (EVA) research project at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital, giving comes in many forms. Following are some of the most common assets people give to support our mission and vision of University Hospitals based research:

Giving to EVA Research

Gifts in all forms – small or large, planned for the future or an annual gift today – will greatly benefit EVA research. Here are some popular ways of supporting EVA research at UH:

Make a Gift Online

UH’s secure giving site offers 24/7 convenience of giving over the Internet via credit card. Make a gift to benefit EVA research.

Mail Your Gift

Your contribution to EVA research can be mailed to:

University Hospitals
EVA Research c/o
Institutional Relations & Development
P.O. Box 94554
Cleveland, OH 44101-4554

*Please designate your gift to EVA Research.

Give a Tribute or Memorial

A tribute gift or memorial gift benefiting EVA research is a wonderful way to honor a friend, family member or cherished physician, or mark a special occasion such as a graduation, bar/bat mitzvah, retirement or milestone birthday.

You can make your tribute or memorial gift online. In turn, we will notify the honoree or honoree's family about your gift.

Support a Matching Gift Program

Many companies offer matching-gift programs to encourage employees to support nonprofit and other charitable organizations. UH may qualify because it is a private, nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable. To determine if your company matches contributions, follow these steps:

  • Search for your company’s name using our database listing.
  • Click on the link for instructions on how to work with your human resources department to facilitate your gift.
  • Complete the online donation form and save the receipt for your company’s match.