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Support Services for Pediatric Cardiology Patients and Families

In addition to the Pediatric Heart Program’s own staff, we work with the Family and Child Life Services Department, a team of professionals who strive to ensure the best physical and emotional care for patients and families facing difficult procedures and hospitalizations.

Child Life Specialists

Our Child Life Specialists provide help to families and children trying to manage the hospital experience.

Art and Music Therapists

Our creative art and music therapists are clinically trained to use the creative process to help patients and families.

Family Resource Center

Our Family Resource Center is a multi-media library with information about a wide variety of medical conditions.

Pet Pals

Pet therapy helps reduce stress and lift moods for patients at University Hospitals.

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Pet Pals is a canine-assisted activity program that uses trained volunteers and their adult-certified therapy dogs to make short, in-room visits to adults and children who would enjoy the company of a furry friend. In addition to reducing stress and lifting spirits, pet therapy has been found promote healing and lower blood pressure.

Social Workers

Every patient of the Heart Center has a social worker as part of his or her interdisciplinary medical team.

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Social workers are experts in ensuring patients and families get the help they need when it is necessary, by identifying the strengths and needs of our patients and their families. Whether you’re expecting a new baby who is known to have a heart condition, your child has been newly diagnosed with a congenital heart condition, or your child is already an established patient, the Heart Center social worker will be there to provide emotional support, to help you manage stress, fear and grief – all of which are common – and to assist with adjustment to a new diagnosis and treatment. The social worker also acts as an advocate for the patients and families of the Heart Center, and will provide connections to community and financial resources.


Heart-2-Heart is a hospital committee made up of adult patients, parents, family members and Congenital Heart Collaborative staff to make sure the needs of our patients and their families are being met.