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Pediatric Heart Services

What is Heart-2-Heart?

The University Hospitals Rainbow Heart Center Patient & Family Partnership Council, or Heart-2-Heart, is a hospital committee comprised of adult patients, parents, family members and Congenital Heart Collaborative staff. The committee is a part of University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital’s institution-wide endeavor to provide patient- and family-centered care and improve patient care and customer service.

We are currently recruiting families and patients to join this exciting council. For additional information, email Shannon Bilsky at Shannon.Bilsky@UHhospitals.org or call 440-873-2450 for more information.

What Do We Do?

Heart-2-Heart is a valuable link between UH Rainbow Babies & Children's Heart Center and the community. To ensure that the needs of the patients and families are being met, we serve as the vehicle of communication between patients and staff. Our responsibilities include:

  • Developing and implementing education about options that families and patients have throughout their stay at UH Rainbow and beyond
  • Providing networking and support opportunities for patients and families
  • Providing ongoing feedback to improve patient safety, quality of care and service efficiency
  • Encouraging family and patient participation in decision-making and other crucial areas
  • Educating patients and families

Become a Member

Council members must have the ability to participate in regular meetings and serve on occasional projects. All members must successfully complete UH Rainbow volunteer training.

We are currently recruiting families and patients to join this exciting council. For additional information, email Shannon Bilsky at Shannon.Bilsky@UHhospitals.org or call 440-873-2450 for more information.