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Our Policy

The Center for Bloodless Medicine and Surgery is dedicated to the right of each family/individual in requesting non-blood medical treatment.

The Center for Bloodless Medicine and Surgery will identify physicians to support the goals and objectives of the bloodless program through patient care protocols, education, and innovative research in the field of bloodless medicine.


It is the policy of the Center for Bloodless Medicine and Surgery program within University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital to uphold the following:

  1. All patients entering the Center for Bloodless Medicine and Surgery (CBMS) program will be screened by a CBMS program coordinator who will coordinate the medical, emotional, physical, spiritual and mental needs of the patient/family. The coordinator will work closely and in harmony with the patient, patient’s family, physicians, nursing staff, and ancillary personnel.
  2. To recognize and uphold within the framework of Ohio’s legal guidelines a patient’s/families decision to refuse (all or part): whole blood, blood plasma, packed red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, blood fractions®, or blood derivatives. *
  3. For a patient/family to receive direct ongoing communication with the primary physician with regard to medical interventions and risks related to the administration of or the refusal of blood products. *
  4. To observe in the adult or emancipated¯ minor the primary physician’s written orders stating "no blood transfusions" which will override any other written or verbal order regarding the use of blood or blood products.
  5. In the event a patient’s condition would require the need of a consulting physician, the primary doctor will consult, wherever possible, with a team member of the Center for Bloodless Medicine and Surgery program.
  6. The physician participants will agree that in urgent and/or emergent medical care situations when the treating physician deems the use of blood products and/or blood transfusion necessary, to prevent death or serious bodily harm to a child, the treating physician will discuss this with the parent. If the parent still refuses, the physician will report the parent’s refusal to the local child welfare authorities. Physicians are required to do so by law. However, every attempt to notify the parents will be made if any such report is contemplated.
  7. If, in the rare occasion during the course of treatment an emergency suddenly arises which allows no time to report the matter to child authorities, the medical team will still do its best to honor your refusal and treat your child without blood, using all alternatives available and/or appropriate. However, if the treating physicians deem blood is immediately necessary to prevent death or serious bodily harm to the minor, the law permits them to administer blood without your consent.
  8. A physician member who is part of the Center for Bloodless Medicine and Surgery program may withdraw from this program at any time. He/she should contact the CBMS Coordinator, in writing, to withdraw from participation in this program.

* Note: See policy 6.1, Consent for Procedure, and policy 1.C in the Administrative Policy & Procedure Manual, Vol.II.

“Adult”: A person who is 18 years of age or older. In cases involving minors thought to be emancipated, the attorney on call should be consulted.

­ “Minor”: A patient under the age of 18.

© The Jehovah’s Witness religious understanding does not absolutely prohibit the use of components such as albumin, immunoglobulins, and clotting factor preparations; each patient must decide individually if he will accept these.

RBC Ethics Committee

If, at any time, a conflict should arise related to any aspect of the above policy, the RBC Ethics Committee may be consulted.


Director/Coordinator of the Center for Bloodless Medicine and Surgery, in collaboration with the RBC Ethics Committee, is responsible for interpretation, review and update of this policy as frequently as necessary, but not less than every three years.