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Blood Conservation Program

Blood Conservation Program Utilizes Bloodless Surgery Techniques to Provide Individualized Care

You know that blood is vital, but it never seems more so than when your child may need more blood due to an upcoming surgery, ongoing condition or medication. Through blood conservation - techniques that focus on minimizing blood loss, building up your child's own blood supply, or both - we deliver the safest alternative to blood transfusions.

No matter what the need, you can choose from among alternative treatment options. Your pediatrician can help you weigh the benefits and risks of each.

Blood conservation is our standard of care. Our program blends individual values and beliefs with the latest medical and surgical techniques. The result is a health care environment that supports the patients and families desire for care with out the use of blood products or donated blood, whenever possible.

Program History

UH Rainbow's history of delivering more than a century of care is filled with medical firsts and successful management of acute and chronic diseases. As a result thousands of families from Northeast Ohio and around the world have entrusted the care of their children to UH Rainbow. It is that trust that embodies our commitment between the physicians and clinical staff support to provide a constant standard of blood conservation.

In 1998 UH Rainbow's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit established a blood conservation program to minimize the use of blood and blood products in infants. In 1999 the Center for Bloodless Medicine & Surgery was created, primarily to meet the needs of clients and their families who were seeking blood conservation due to personal or religious beliefs. At UH Rainbow's we utilize an integrated team approach to deliver advanced care and bloodless management.

UH Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital was the first freestanding pediatric hospital in the nation to develop a pediatric bloodless program, and to date Rainbow's is currently the largest pediatric bloodless program in the nation.

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