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Ongoing Studies

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SARP is the world’s most comprehensive study of adults and children with severe asthma, linking 7 leading asthma clinical university centers and 1 data coordinating center through a National Institutes of Health-sponsored network. SARP is not a clinical trial, but rather an intensive characterization study of adults and children with asthma. Now in its third phase (SARP III), SARP III has enrolled over 700 participants in its program, including over 500 adults and 180 children aged 6-17 years.

The SARP network’s mission is to improve the understanding of severe asthma in order to develop better treatments. Through SARP, we are gaining insight into how severe asthma develops in patients and learning about the molecular, cellular and biological mechanisms that lead to different types of asthma. Participants enrolled in SARP are being followed over at least three years in order to determine how these characteristics develop or change with time.

Download the SARP 2017 newsletter [PDF]