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Pediatric Spine Research Publications

All of our pediatric orthopedic spine research starts with the database. As a result of our research collaboration with other hospitals, departments and databases national and international, there are over 75 publications citations in peer reviewed journals by our faculty in PubMed and 150 national and international presentations, and 100 posters. Major changes have occurred in the care of pediatric spine patients in our institution and other programs because of our ongoing research work including:


Decreasing Perioperative Blood Loss

Because of our focus for the past 15 years, our advancements have resulted in marked reduction of perioperative blood loss and virtually eliminated the need for autologous blood donation. We have collaborated with Division of Pediatric Anesthesia on this topic.

Growing Spine Studies

Infection Protocol Studies

Our infection prevention bundle was effective in decreasing the rates of surgical site infections.


A. Complications

Pain Management

We studied alternatives for better pain control after major spine surgery and overall less pain medication is used.

Spinal Cord Monitoring