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Pediatric Scoliosis Research Groups

Pediatric Scoliosis Research Physicians reviewing chartOver the years, University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital’s pediatric orthopedic spine staff has been involved in multiple research study groups that are used by pediatric spinal experts in the U.S. and around the world.

Enhancing the already vast expertise and research experience of the pediatric spine staff is the addition of pediatric spine surgeon Michael Glotzbecker, MD, to the team. Dr. Glotzbecker brings with him a great deal of research experience as an active member of both the Pediatric Spine Study Group and the Harms Study Group.

Pediatric Spine Study Group

UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital is one of 31 centers in the world that is a member site of the Pediatric Spine Study Group (PSSG). Part of the Growing Spine Foundation (GSF), the PSSG is an expert group of pediatric spine surgeons who specialize in early onset scoliosis.

Retired UH Rainbow Division Chief of Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery George Thompson, MD, was a founding member of GSF, and Dr. Glotzbecker serves as chair of both the research and executive councils of the PSSG.

Harms Study Group

The Harms Study Group (HSG) is a premier research group in pediatric spinal deformity. The HSG is a collaborative cohort of distinguished surgeons throughout the world who are dedicated to advancing treatment for children and adolescents with spine deformity through research. The Rainbow pediatric orthopedic spine surgeons are all active participants in the surgeon performance program. Dr. Glotzbecker is one of 37 current active members of the HSG.