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Our Team

University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Division of Pediatric Rheumatology features a team of board-certified and fellowship-trained pediatric rheumatology specialists who provide comprehensive care to children with rheumatic conditions to help manage symptoms, maximize functional abilities and prevent disability. The team is enhanced by a pediatric psychologist and dietitian who work side-by-side with pediatric rheumatology experts in patient care. Our physician expertise extends to numerous areas, including autoimmune, inflammatory and bone disorders that affect the musculoskeletal system – joints, bones, muscles and tendon. Arthritis is one type of rheumatic disease treated. Our team is available to consult on care for your patients’ needs 24/7.

Pediatric rheumatologists at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital treat more than 600 musculoskeletal conditions.

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Appointments: 216-667-9975

Call the division office at 216-844-3645
or administrator Mike Eiermann at 216-844-0475