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Education & Training


Call coverage

The fellow is expected to participate in call coverage with EFACs responsibilities. University Hospitals Lake West Medical Center call coverage entails eight days per month, with the fellow covering two weeks of call each month. Responsibilities include handling all consults and surgeries under the guidance of the director and associated faculty.

  1. Clinical and educational work hours must be limited to an average of 80 hours per week over a four-week period, including all in-house call activities, extra duties, independent fellow practice, and any moonlighting.
  2. The fellow must have at least one day free from clinical and educational work hours and any on-call services (either in-house or at home) when averaged over a four-week period. This "one day" is defined as a continuous 24-hour period, during which at-home call cannot be assigned. Fellows must not exceed 24 hours of continuous duty in the hospital. No additional clinical responsibilities may be assigned after 24 hours of continuous in-house duty, unless in line with applicable accreditation standards. All residents must have at least 14 hours free from duty after 24 hours of clinical assignments.

Surgical Expectations

The fellow is expected to attend surgical cases with faculty an average of 2.5 days per week. They should communicate with the surgical coordinator and possess adequate knowledge of each individual case. Surgical competency will be evaluated on a quarterly basis.

Clinical Expectations

Surgery is the fellow's top priority. When the fellow is not in surgery, they are expected to be in the clinic under the direct supervision of the director or other faculty members.


Engage in both academic and clinical training with the University Hospitals Podiatry Residency. Participate in a monthly journal review of three scholarly articles focused on foot and ankle reconstruction. Attend weekly UH podiatry academic sessions every Tuesday morning at 6 a.m., unless operating room schedules conflict.