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Learn More Resident Life and Our Alumni

We value interpersonal relationships as much as we value education. Our residents and alumni come from broad and diverse paths. We actively create a welcoming, supportive and enriching environment to support diversity, including women in radiology.

James Guirguis, MD

James Guirguis, MD

Academic Interests: Vascular and Interventional, Interventional Oncology
Hobbies: Traveling, Boating, Skiing, Basketball
Favorite thing about Cleveland: Lake Erie and the restaurant scene
One Unique Fact about Yourself: I was on a Nile Cruise with Colin Kaepernick and his family

Mario Dervishi, MD

Mario Dervishi, MD

Academic Interests: Vascular Interventions, Trauma Interventions, Interventional Oncology
Hobbies: Traveling, Soccer, Skiing, Outdoor activities, Audiobooks, Watching TV shows/Movies
Favorite thing about Cleveland: Metro Parks
One Unique Fact about Yourself: I am fluent in English, Albanian, Turkish and can read and write Arabic.