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How to Apply

Applications for entry into our Integrated IR Residency program starting on July 1, 2022, will open on September 15, 2020. Applications are only accepted via ERAS, and positions are only offered through the NRMP. Applicants wishing to also apply to the Case Western Reserve University/UH Cleveland Medical Center Diagnostic Radiology Residency program must submit a separate application via ERAS. Case Western Reserve University/UH Cleveland Medical Center respects and abides by the NRMP agreement and will not ask that a candidate reveal any programs he/she has applied to, including programs within our institution.

ESIR (Diagnostic Radiology Residency)

The Diagnostic Radiology Residency program at Case Western Reserve University/UH Cleveland Medical Center is approved for ESIR designation, which is why an applicant with interest in IR may choose to apply to both programs. Our program has certification for approximately four ESIR residents per class year, which are selected internally at the end of their second year of diagnostic radiology residency. To remain transparent, we would like applicants to understand that our program does not view dual applications negatively. The positive relationship between the IR and DR programs allows us to be supportive of applicants applying to both programs. The choice to do so, will not be held against them.

Qualified applicants are offered interviews after the review of their complete application, which should include the following:

  • MyERAS application
  • Medical school transcript
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Medical School Performance Evaluation
  • USMLE Step I and Step II scores
  • ECFMG certification (international medical graduates only)

For more information, please contact:

Mohammed S Al-Natour, MD

Mohammed Al-Natour, MD

Director, Integrated IR/DR Residency Program
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
11100 Euclid Avenue, BSH 5056
Cleveland, OH 44106