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Application and Supporting Documentation

Applicants must be a recent graduate (from August 2024 or later) or currently enrolled in a Masters-level program where fellowship is required to graduate. Accredited programs are preferred (CAHME, AUPHA, AACSB, etc.). UH does not sponsor work visas.

To be considered for the Administrative Fellowship program, applicants must submit the following materials:

  • CV/Resume
  • Official graduate school transcript
  • Three letters of recommendation
    1. Professional
    2. Academic
    3. Other (academic, professional, or letter from your program director)
  • Personal statement: prepare a personal statement that addresses the following questions in 1000 words or less:
    1. What are your top 3 takeaways you’d like to gain from a fellowship experience?
    2. Why do you want to pursue a fellowship experience at University Hospitals specifically?
    3. What is an experience or trait that makes you a unique fellowship applicant?

Important Dates

Applicants should be mindful of the following dates:

  • Application acceptance deadline: September 27th, 2024
  • Fellowship start date: June 2025

Applications and all supporting documentation must be submitted by September 27th, 2024. Incomplete applications and those received after the deadline will not be accepted. Please submit all application materials through the NAFCAS portal. Emailed applications will not be accepted.

After review of all submitted materials, a select number of applicants will be contacted for telephone interviews. Upon completion of virtual interviews, top applicants will be invited to Cleveland for onsite interviews.

For any questions related to the application process, please reach out to our current fellows at adminfellowship@uhhospitals.org.