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Pastoral Care

UH St. John Medical Center supports a strong pastoral care staff. Our priests and chaplains provide spiritual and emotional support to patients and the rest of the UH St. John Medical Center community through:

  • Administration of the sacraments.
  • Visiting with and addressing the special needs of the elderly, the depressed, the lonely and the terminally ill.
  • Offering prayers of comfort with patients and/or their families upon request.
  • Helping caregivers make decisions based on the highest ethical standards.
  • Serving as palliative care consultants.
  • Assisting patients and families with advance directives.
  • Supporting caregivers through trauma processing.
Learn more about our Ethical and Religious Directives

Our Pastoral Care Staff

Ben Walther – Vice President of Mission, Ministry and Pastoral Care (x75530)
Fr. Dan Fickes – Catholic priest chaplain (x75248, pager 440-303-0375)
Fr. Dennis Kristof – Orthodox priest chaplain (x75160, pager 440-303-0102)
Rev. Dr. Buck Wilford, BCC – chaplain (x75232, pager 440-303-0265)
Rev. Jennifer Mihalick, M.R.E., M.Div. – chaplain (x75031, pager 440-303-0413)

Make an Appointment

Make an appointment with a medical professional at UH St. John Medical Center.

(844) 494-1469