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Support the UH Future Nurse Academy

The UH Future Nurse Academy program is designed to spark interest in the nursing profession in high school students and help them understand the role of a nurse. Our program is a two-week summer internship aimed at building upon our students' existing talents, skills, and gifts while preparing them for a nursing career beyond high school. Students are nurtured with the thoughtful support of UH clinicians and partners. Our ultimate goal is that they become nurses within the Northeast Ohio area, where they grew up.

We support our UH Future Nurse Academy students with a two-week nursing-focused curriculum during the summer and dedicated, in-person mentors to help guide them and ensure their success. We partner with UH healthcare professionals to offer shadowing rotations, local nursing schools to expose students to the world of possibilities in the field of nursing, and community organizations to provide hands-on skill-building and practicum sessions.

Community Partners

As a part of our mission, we pride ourselves in working with local organizations to provide unique academic and professional skills-building curricula. This includes field trips to healthcare facilities, nursing schools, and team- and confidence-building experience sites around northeast Ohio. Please contact us at UHFutureNurseAcademy@UHHospitals.org if you're interested in partnering with our office to support our students.