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Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery

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Getty image illustrating hearing sciences

NEOMED Hearing Collaboration Highlighted in 2024 State of Research Address

Innovations in Ear, Nose & Throat | Summer 2024

An immunofluorescent picture of a normal tongue compared with stage two tongue cancer. The healthy tongue tissue is stained red by a fluorescent antibody to hBD-2 (the good protein).

Multicenter Research Team Discovers Novel Method to Test for Oral Cancer

Innovations in Ear, Nose & Throat | Summer 2024

Getty image depicting patient and provider during speech therapy

Speech Therapy Now Part of University Hospitals' Multidisciplinary Care for Sleep Disorders

Innovations in Ear, Nose & Throat | Summer 2024

Marc Guay, MD UH ENT

UH Elyria Physician Leader Adopts Bold Vision for Hospital, Gets Results

UH Clinical Update | April 2024

HPV virus

Navigating the Complex Mechanisms of HPV+ Head and Neck Cancers

Quintin Pan, PhD, explores the surge of HPV+ related head and neck cancers sparking the need for innovative treatment solutions.

Cliff Megerian, MD and Sarah Mowry, MD pictured at the Megerian Chair ceremony

A Permanent Legacy: The Cliff A. Megerian, MD, Chair is Established

Innovations in Ear, Nose & Throat | Winter 2024

UH ENT team at HEAR in CLE  event 2023

UH Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists Extend Outreach Locally and Abroad

Innovations in Ear, Nose & Throat | Winter 2024

Getty image of neurostimulation conceptual illustration

Leading the Way in ENT Neurostimulation

Innovations in Ear, Nose & Throat | Winter 2024

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