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Showing  8 of 34 results

Richard Martin, MD Theradrift video screenshot

What is Therapeutic Drift and Why it is Dangerous in Newborn Care

Innovations in Pediatrics - Fall 2021

Martin Bocks, MD, Discusses use of Piccolo™ Occluder Device to Repair Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Premie Twins

Innovations in Pediatrics | Summer 2019

Northeast Ohio Hospital Opioid Consortium Video Highlights Partnership

Highlighting the collaborative work underway by area hospitals to address the opioid crisis in the region - The Center for Health Affairs Press Release

UH Seidman Cancer Center: Advantages of a Disease-Site Focused Model

Jordan Winter, MD, new Chief of Surgical Oncology at UH Seidman Cancer Center, discusses the importance of having a surgical oncology team made up of experts in specific disease sites.

Colin McCloskey MD discusses the recent Legionella outbreak and signs and symptoms of the disease

Watch Dr. Colin McCloskey of University Hospitals Center for Emertency Medicine, discuss recent ligionella outbreak on Fox 8 News Cleveland, July 22, 2018.

"The FAST Exam for the Millennial: Lecture by Vicki Noble MD

Presentation Overview:  As trauma care has evolved so has the way we should think about using the FAST exam. Vicki Noble, MD, Vice Chairman, Academic Affairs, UH Center for Emergency Medicine, Program Director, Emergency Medicine, UH Cleveland...

Ear, Nose & Throat Institute's Cochlear Implant Program

University Hospitals ENT Institute's Cochlear Implant Program, one of the top five programs in the nation as described by Cliff A. Megerian, MD.

WONDOOR Makes an Impact

Women, Neonates, Diversity, Opportunities, Outreach and Research.

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