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Getty image of patient during rehab

Can Your Patient Benefit from Cancer Rehab?

UH Clinical Update | June 2024

New Providers, New Clinic, New Offerings in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at UH

APPs join team; new outpatient clinic for neuro rehab at UH Bedford.

Blood flow therapy

Blood Flow Restriction Therapy Expands at UH

Medical-grade tourniquet to restrict blood to the limbs during exercise produces strength gains of high-intensity training without the need of heavy loads - UH Clinical Update | February 2022

Cardia Rehabilitation image

Could Your Patient Benefit from Cardiac Rehab?

UH Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute expert working in many channels to get the word out about this vital service for patients with cardiovascular disease - UH Clinical Update | February 2022

Are You Using Schedule Me Now for Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy Referrals?

Function in UHCare Ambulatory streamlines the process - UH Clinical Update | April 2021

Exoskeleton device

Exoskeleton Enables and Enhances Movement in Physical Therapy Patients

Innovative device enables patients with lower extremity paralysis or weakness to stand and walk, while also enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of therapy sessions - UH Clinical Update | November 2020

Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: A Primer for Physicians

UH offers one of the few rehab programs in U.S. health systems - Innovations in Neurology & Neurosurgery | Fall 2019

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