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Are You Using Schedule Me Now for Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy Referrals?


Function in UHCare Ambulatory streamlines the process

UH Clinical Update | April 2021

As a reminder, Schedule Me Now includes adult outpatient physical and occupational therapy, as well as adult speech therapy services.

The following therapy referral types are available in UHCare Ambulatory and Schedule Me Now:

  • Physical Therapy-General: for orthopedic, musculoskeletal conditions
  • Physical Therapy-Neurologic: for neurological conditions such as CVA, TBI, MS, CP, SCI; focus on mobility
  • Physical Therapy-Vestibular: for conditions related to dizziness due to vertigo, BPPV, head injury
  • Physical Therapy-Concussion: for return to activity or neck interventions, follows Leddy protocol
  • Physical Therapy-Pelvic floor: for pelvic floor dysfunction, pain, incontinence urine/feces, internal interventions
  • Physical/Occupational Therapy-Lymphatic: for upper or lower extremity lymphedema, post mastectomy care; contraindications: active infection (ex: cellulitis), PAD, DVT, Cardiac
  • Physical/Occupational Therapy-LSVT: Parkinson’s intense intervention program, includes large repetitive movements coordinated with voice training
  • Occupational/Physical Therapy-Functional Capacity Evaluation: 3 hour return to work evaluation, not disability evaluation
  • Occupational Therapy-Driving: 2 hour simulated driving assessment includes testing of reaction time, physical, visual perception, cognition; in clinic/not in car
  • Occupational Therapy-General: for orthopedic hand/upper extremity conditions, upper extremity orthotics
  • Occupational Therapy-Neurologic: for neurological conditions such as CVA, TBI, MS, CP, SCI; focus on upper extremity and function, self- care, home management
  • Occupational/Physical Therapy-Wheelchair Evaluation: power wheelchairs or scooters for long term use inside the home, patient must have a mobility limitation that impairs their ability to perform at least one activity of daily living, patient must have a diagnosis that impairs body functions which limit mobility (neurological, musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary, etc.)
  • Speech Therapy-general: For speech, language, communicative, cognitive disorders
  • Speech Therapy-LSVT (Parkinson’s): For intense, repetitive voice training for Parkinson’s disease also known as Lee Silverman Voice Training or LSVT LOUD
  • Speech Therapy-swallowing (not Modified Barium Swallow): For swallowing disorders such as dysphagia
  • Speech Therapy-voice: For vocal disorders such as dysphonia, vocal fold nodules,   hoarseness, resonance, transgender voice training
  • Speech Therapy-TEP: For tracheoesophageal voice prosthesis evaluation
  • Speech Therapy-FEES: For fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing
  • Speech Therapy- head/neck: For speech and swallow pre/post-surgical or radiation of head and neck
  • Speech Therapy-cochlear implant: For evaluation of hearing impairment candidate for a cochlear implant procedure or post-cochlear implant evaluation

Excluded from Schedule Me Now: Pediatric physical, occupational, and speech therapy (less than 12 years of age). Modified barium swallow evaluation is also excluded. Please continue to enter pediatric therapy services in the AEMR as it is helpful to patients’ families and therapists to refer to in chart.

As a reminder, it is necessary that the order is placed into UHCare Ambulatory to facilitate Point-of- Service scheduling using Schedule Me Now before the patient leaves the ordering provider’s office. Should the patient choose not to schedule at the point of service, or the referral type is not available, the patient may call the Rehabilitation scheduling line at 216-286-7342 or you can call a UH rehabilitation location directly.
