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Innovations In Pediatrics | Winter 2019

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Glucose monitor system

UH Rainbow Part of Important New Clinical Trial of Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Young Children

Benefits shown for both children and parents - Innovations in Pediatrics | Winter 2021

In-depth Parent Interviews Identify Secrets of Success for Discharge from the NICU

Parents report five main areas of need during NICU discharge - Innovations in Pediatrics - Winter 2019

Brief Primary Care-Based Intervention Can Combat Stress in Teens, UH Rainbow Studies Find

Approach being used to counter toxic stress among patients at the new UH Rainbow Center for Women & Children - innovations in Pediatrics - Winter 2019

Sanjay Ahuja, MD

UH Rainbow Team Identifies Risk Factors to Help Address the Growing Problem of VTE in Hospitalized Children

Study is first to link Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) to increased mortality in this population - Innovations in Pediatrics - Winter 2019

Self-harm Rising Among Younger Children UH Rainbow Study Finds

Emergency Room visits for deliberate self-harm among 10- and 11-year-olds have nearly doubled, according to national data - Innovations in Pediatrics - Winter 2019

It's MAGEC: Helping Children with Scoliosis

Magnetically controlled growing rods help children with early onset scoliosis avoid multiple surgeries - Innovations in Orthopaedics - Winter 2019

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