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Innovations In Orthopaedics | Winter 2019

Showing   of 4 results

It's MAGEC: Helping Children with Scoliosis

Magnetically controlled growing rods help children with early onset scoliosis avoid multiple surgeries - Innovations in Orthopaedics - Winter 2019

Leaving a legacy in Orthopedics

A salute to Drs. George Thompson and John Shaffer, who will retire from UH after more than 40 years - Innovations in Orthopaedics - Winter 2019

What's new in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

UH Department of Orthopaedic Surgery celebrates new department chair, Spine Institute and more - Innovations in Orthopaedics - Winter 2019

Excellence in Joint Replacement

UH joint replacement program controls costs while enhancing quality and value - Innovations in Orthopaedics - Winter 2019

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