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What's new in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery


UH Department of Orthopaedic Surgery celebrates new department chair, Spine Institute and more

Innovations in Orthopaedics - Winter 2019

University Hospitals Department of Orthopaedic Surgery underwent a transformation in 2018, celebrating a significant number of accomplishments.


UH named James E. Voos, MD, Chair of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at UH Cleveland Medical Center. He succeeds Randall E.  Marcus, MD, who stepped down after more than 15 years of distinguished service. 

In recognition of Dr. Voos’s new role, he was appointed the Jack and Mary Herrick Distinguished Chair in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine. Dr. Voos and his team also recently completed their fifth season as Team Physicians for the Cleveland Browns.

“Our department has worked hard to meet the changing demands of the healthcare market and to provide the most efficient, high quality care to our patients,” Dr. Voos says. “We have an incredible orthopaedic faculty that makes my job much easier.”

With Dr. Voos' promotion to Department Chair, UH appointed orthopaedic surgeon Michael J. Salata, MD, to Director of the UH Sports Medicine Institute. Dr. Salata continues to serve as a Team Physician for the Cleveland Browns, working alongside Dr. Voos and Lead Medical Physician Sean A. Cupp, MD. The UH Sports Medicine Institute continues to grow and has now partnered with over 50 area high schools, colleges and youth organizations.

Robert J. Gillespie, MD, was promoted to Residency Program Director and recognized as the inaugural Michael and Grace Drusinsky Endowed Chair in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine. “This generous endowment supports research and education programs that benefit the entire department,” Dr. Voos says.


Research and education developments in the Department of Orthopaedics include the recently formed UH Spine Institute. The Spine Institute brings together orthopaedic surgery, neurosurgery, neurology, physical medicine and rehabilitation, radiology, rheumatology and pain management specialists to help patients with back and neck pain. UH is fortunate to have the leadership of Christopher Furey, MD, to serve as the Director of this advanced endeavor.

To help back and neck pain sufferers find relief, the UH Spine Institute takes a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach. “The Spine Institute allows for a collaborative approach to help patients get to the appropriate healthcare provider in a more efficient fashion,” Dr. Voos says. "We work together to identify challenging and complex cases and to find solutions.”

In October, the Spine Institute held its inaugural Comprehensive Spine Care Forum. Designed to educate UH healthcare providers on the most up-to-date treatments for spinal conditions, the intensive half-day symposium included a range of talks for healthcare professionals. Topics included spinal conditions, spinal infections, pain management, physiatry, physical therapy and conditions that affect young adults and the elderly. The Spine Institute plans to hold the symposium annually.


In addition to launching a new center for spine health, the UH Sports Medicine and Trauma divisions launched two new accredited fellowship programs. UH received applications for the one-year Trauma fellowship through early 2019, with the fellowship beginning in 2020. The Orthopaedic Surgery Sports Medicine fellowship program begins in 2019. The fellows will complement the robust residency program in clinical training and research.


Department of Orthopaedics physicians, fellows and residents not only provide high-quality care for injured athletes and workers, they also provide leading trauma care. Under the leadership of orthopaedic traumatologist John Sontich, MD, Chief of Orthopaedic Trauma and Post-Traumatic Reconstruction, University Hospitals now has one of the busiest Level I Trauma Centers in Northeast Ohio.

From fractures sustained on the field to critical accidents, UH provides expert care and trauma triage. Orthopaedic trauma specialists are trained in innovative procedures such as the Ilizarov technique, which makes it possible to lengthen a normal bone gradually and fill in where bone is missing. They also perform skeletal realignments and stabilizations using closed, percutaneous, external and internal fixation techniques.

Whether it's helping the Cleveland Browns optimize their performance, treating a golfer with back pain or repairing a fracture after an automobile accident, UH Department of Orthopaedics provides the multidisciplinary care people need to function at their highest levels. 

To refer a patient to an orthopaedic specialist, call 216-844-7200.
