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Innovations In Neurology & Neurosurgery | Summer 2018

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Multi-Disciplinary Care for Patients with Primary and Metastatic Tumors of the Brain & Spine

UH Neurological Institute - Summer 2018 University Hospital’s Neurological Institute works closely with UH Seidman Cancer Center to offer cutting-edge treatments for primary and metastatic cancers of the brain and spine and for non-metastatic...

Inaugural Morley-Mather Chair to bridge gaps in brain health research

Neuroscientist Andrew Pieper brings multidisciplinary expertise to UH UH Neurological Institute - Summer 2018  Anthony J. Furlan, MD  Mukesh K. Jain, MD Andrew A. Pieper, MD, PHD  Robert J. Ronis, MD, MPH The recruitment of Andrew A....

Complementary Expertise

The UH Spine Institute brings together diverse disciplines to care for patients suffering from spinal pathologies UH Neurological Institute – Summer 2018 Christopher Furey, MD Alia Hdeib, MD Mukesh K. Jain, MD University Hospitals’ Spine...

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