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Mukesh Jain, MD

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Peter Agre, MD

A Conversation with Peter Agre, MD

Peter Agre, MD, UH Alumnus and Nobel Laureate discusses his medical career path, experience winning a Nobel prize and his work as an ambassador of science.

Jonathan Lewin, MD

A Conversation with UH Alumnus, Jonathan Lewin, MD

Dr. Lewin discusses his Cleveland childhood, training at UH and his successful leadership style and principals that led him to where he is today.

Cliff Megerian, MD

A Conversation with CEO of University Hospitals, Cliff Megerian

Cliff Megerian, MD discusses how his career path led him to UH and ultimately into the role of CEO.

What's New in Research at University Hospitals in Cleveland, Ohio

Approach to discovery spans basic science to clinical impact - UH Alumni Associations e-Newsletter | September 2020

Complementary Expertise

The UH Spine Institute brings together diverse disciplines to care for patients suffering from spinal pathologies UH Neurological Institute – Summer 2018 Christopher Furey, MD Alia Hdeib, MD Mukesh K. Jain, MD University Hospitals’ Spine...

KLF Knowledge

New $6.7 million NIH grant seeks to explain role of key transcription factors in age-related ccardiovascular disease - Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute Innovations | Spring 2017

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