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Innovations In Digestive Health | Winter 2021

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Mesothelin - positive

New Immunotherapy Center at UH Seidman Cancer Center Sets the Stage for Solutions

Center offers dozens of clinical trials, including soon a rare all-human protein CAR T trial for patients with certain hematologic malignancies - Innovations in Cancer | Winter 2021

Image of diverticulitis

New Guidelines Inform Diverticulitis Treatment

Treatment moves toward less use of antibiotics, less emphasis on surgery - Innovations in Digestive Health | Winter 2021

Digestive Health Institute Update | Winter 2021

Screenings increase, offerings expand despite challenges of pandemic - Innovations in Digestive Health | Winter 2021

Hepatitis test

New Steps Protect Clinicians Exposed to Hepatitis C

“Test-and-treat” strategy takes advantage effective, well-tolerated antiviral treatments - innovations in Digestive Health | Winter 2021

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