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New Leaders Steer UH Seidman Cancer Center's Breast Program into the Future


UH Seidman Update | September 2021

UH Seidman Cancer Center is pleased to announce new Breast Program Co-Directors, Breast Surgical Oncologist Amanda Amin, MD, and Breast Medical Oncologist Alberto Montero, MD, who together will lead its continued success and growth.

Drs. Alberto Montero Amanda Amin

Patients seeking treatment for breast cancer can access a breast specialist within the week at several locations across Northeast Ohio. The Breast Program is distinguished by a vast multidisciplinary team of specialists including surgical oncology, medical oncology and radiation oncology who consistently communicate and collaborate on behalf of the patient.

University Hospitals is accredited by the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers, thus ensuring patients have access to the most up-to-date forms of evaluation, treatment, and follow-up care for breast cancer. UH Seidman Cancer Center is part of the National Cancer Institute-designated Case Comprehensive Cancer Center at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, which is one of an elite group of 51 comprehensive cancer centers nationwide that allows access to the latest breast cancer treatment options before other hospitals.

Drs. Amin and Montero lead a multidisciplinary approach to breast cancer, with a robust weekly breast tumor conference where clinical trials are discussed. This comprehensive program includes:

  • Breast sub-specialty expertise in radiation oncology – Led by Dr. Janice Lyons
  • A robust high-risk breast program with the Center for Breast Cancer Prevention, which crafts a personalized plan for each patient and comprehensive evaluation of their risk including family history and environmental exposure, plus a high-risk tumor board - Led by Heidi Goodwin, CNP
  • A highly skilled breast-trained radiologist team - Led by Dr. Holly Marshall
  • Breast-trained pathologists offering personalized medicine with genomic testing - Led by Dr. Hannah Gilmore

Telemedicine also provides easier access to genetic counseling. For clinical trials, nearly all Phase II and Phase III trials are offered at UH sites across the region, and patients at UH Cleveland Medical Center can enter early Phase I trials.

Questions? Contact Dr. Amin or Dr. Montero.
